
News of the year 2015
Gimbya von der Burg Litermont
Pictures of the puppies can be found on the following sites.
2015-12-13, sooner than expected the pups were born.
2015-12-15, is the expect birth dat.
2015-11-12, the ultrasound result was positiv, Gimbya is pregnant.
2015-10-13, Gimbya was mated with Artaban Cieply Dom
NZ-CH, Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Showresults from December in the year 2015th
- 2015-12-29, Central Highland Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-12-28, Central Highland Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-12-28, Landefield Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-12-27, Lancefield Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-12-13, Marlborough & District Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-12-12, Castlemaine & District Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-12-05, Kilmore A & P Inc (CH)
Keenya von der Burg Litermont
- 2015-12-21, CACIB Genf (CH)
NZ-CH, Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Exhibition results of the month November in the year 2015th
- 2015-11-29, Portland & District Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-11-28, Portland & District Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-11-22, Garden State Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-11-21, Kyneton Agricultural Society Inc (CH)
- 2015-11-14, Morwell & Traralgon Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-11-08, Echuca & District Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-11-07, Echuca & District Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-11-01, Albury & Border Kennel Club Inc (CH)
Gimbya von der Burg Litermont
2015-11-12, The result of the ultrasound was positive. Gimbya is
2015-10-13, Gimbya was mated with Artaban Cieply Dom.
Lio von der Burg Litermont
Ulrike and Lio are the perfect team.
2015 October, testing for certified school dog and
certified school dog handler.
NZ-CH, Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Exhibition results of the month October 2015
- 2015-10-31, Albury Show Society Inc
- 2015-10-25, Hound Club of Tasmania (CH)
- 2015-10-25, Combined Breed Dog Club of Tasmania (CH)
- 2015-10-21, Royal Hobart Show (CH)
- 2015-10-17, Royal Geelong A & P Society Inc (CH)
- 2015-10-16, Benalla A & P Society Inc (CH)
- 2015-10-11, Tasmanian Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-10-08, Royal Launceston Show (CH)
- 2015-10-04, Burnie & District Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-10-03, Burnie & District Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-10-03, Burnie & District Kennel Club PM (CH)
Isimo von der Burg Litermont
2015-09-27, Obedience exam in Saarwellingen
NZ-CH, Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Exhibition results of the month September 2015
2015-09-27, Kyneton & District Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-09-13, Golden Wattle Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-09-12, Belgrave & District Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-09-06, Brighton Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-09-05, Southern Midlands Kennel Club (CH)
NZ-CH, Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Exhibition results of the month August 2015
- 2015-08-29, Hamilton Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-08-23, Coolamon Ganmain Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-08-22, Ganmain Show Society (CH)
- 2015-08-15, Lillidale Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-08-14, Lillydale Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-08-09, Murray Valley Kennel Club, International (CH)
- 2015-08-07, Murray Valley Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-08-02, Wagga Wagga All Breeds Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-08-01, Wagga Wagga All Breeds Kennel Club (CH)
Kilian von der Burg Litermont
Isimo von der Burg Litermont
Kimbo von der Burg Litermont
Jela von der Burg Litermont
2015-07-11, Compagnion dog exam at the
Dobermann Pintscher Schnauzer working dogs club, Schweighofen e.V.
NZ-CH, Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Exhibition results from July 2015th.
2015-07-31, Wagga Wagga All Breed Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-07-19, Dandenong Poultry & Kennell Ass
- 2015-07-12, Shepparton & District Kennel Club (CH)
- 2015-07-11, Junior Kennel Club of Victoria (CH)
- 2015-07-05, Canine Amenities Club of Victoria (CH)
NZ-CH, Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Exhibition results from June 2015th.
- 2015-06-28, Wangaratta Kennel & Obedience dog club (CH)
- 2015-06-27, Wangaratta Kennel & Obedience dog club (CH)
- 2015-06-13, Box Hill & District Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-06-05, West Gippsland Kennel Association (CH)
Isimo von der Burg Litermont
NZ-CH, Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Congratulation to the winner team Arkadiusz und Janusz
We proudly announce that our
Jg-Pl-CH, AUST-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
receivd his NEW ZEALAND Championship title yesterday!
Brilliant show results of the month May.
- 2015-05-17, Marlborough Kennel Assn Inc (CH)
- 2015-05-16, Marlborough Kennel Assn Inc (CH)
- 2015-05-16, Marlborough Kennel Assn Inc (CH)
- 2015-05-10, Ellesmere & A & P Society
- 2015-05-09, Ellesmere & A & P Society (CH)
- 2015-05-03, Eastern Bay of Plenty (CH)
Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Further successful shows of the month April 2015
- 2015-04-19, Cambridge Kennel Ass (CH
- 2015-04-18, Cambridge Kennel Ass (CH)
- 2015-04-11, Huntly and District Kennel Ass (CH)
- 2015-04-06, MacKenzie Country A & P Society (CH)
- 2015-04-05, South Island Hound Club (CH)
- 2015-04-03, North Canterbury Kennel Ass (CH)
Kilian von der Burg Litermont
Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Successful shows of the month March 2015
- 2015-03-29, Napier Kennel Centre (CH)
- 2015-03-26, Wairoa Kennel Ass (CH)
- 2015-03-22, New Plymouth Kennel Centre (CH),
- 2015-03-21, New Plymouth Kennel Centre (CH)
- 2015-03-15, Wanganui Kennel Soc (CH
- 2015-03-14, Wanganui Kennel Soc (CH)
- 2015-03-09, Warragul Dog Club,
- 2015-03-08, Noorat & District Kennel Club
- 2015-03-06, Tallangaratta A & P Society Show
Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
Other successful shows of Arcadius and Janusz in February 2015th.
- 2015-02-28, Rochester A & P Society Inc (CH)
- 2015-02-15, Eaglehawk Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-02-14, Bendigo Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-02-13, Eaglehawk Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-02-08, Ballarat Dog Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-02-07, Classic Dog Show (CH)
Gioia von der Burg Litermont
- Photoshooting December 2014
Aust-CH, Pol-Jg-CH Janusz von der Burg Litermont
A terrific start to the New Year 2015.
- 2015-01-17, Lang Lang P. A. & H. Association Inc (CH
- 2015-01-10, Yarra Ranges Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-01-08, South Eastern Kennel Club Inc (CH)
- 2015-01-04, Historic Maldon Kennel Club Inc
- 2015-01-03, Kyneton & Distirict Kennel Club Inc
- 2015-01-03, Central Gippsland Kennel Club Inc